Thursday, September 22, 2011

Coin toss for probability!

Happy Fall!

These past few weeks have been very rainy and our plants did not grow. Next time, we will have to keep it inside and watch the weather more often.
We are not on Maps and Globes and have learned a fun continent song.

In math we are learning about place value and comparing and ordering numbers. We have a lot of content to cover.

Watch us sing the continent song!

Fruit Puppet Plays

Last week, we worked in groups to create plays about fruit. We created a background and decorated fruit on popsicle sticks. Here we are:

Monday, September 12, 2011

Blooming Botanists

Studying plants has been great. We all know the different parts of a plant and their jobs. We are now moving on to flowers and the different parts.

Last week we planted marjoram, melon, lima beans, cherry, apple and orange seeds in a cup and placed them outside in the sun, but we had a rainy week so they may have some issues growing.

This is what they look like. We are very excited.